Reviews from this user (31283)

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Review about Swipe Secrets

1) Huge immediate response, all with exaggerated passions and descriptions. I had 600 in about four days, all wanting immediate, urgent sex.

2) Contact information or details of when, where, or specifics are never given, but requests to message back with punters' info is always immediate. The goal is always to keep punters online messaging. Guilt, anger, and insulting criticisms are employed to shame punters to oblige. One poor woman I spoke to had spent £600 in a month and never met a man, and she was attractive!

Entertaining and ego flattering if you have time to waste and more money then brains. But, don't expect to ever meet anyone from the site - all fake.

It is false to claim SwipeSecrets as a dating site. The fundamental design is to assure that no one ever meets for then the revenue stops flowing. Site is censored to prevent any contact dating. The man or woman using the site can be assured that they never "date" anyone. Example: my email contact was coded into my profile while 600 eager women for sex messaged me without one ever using the free email contact given.
